50p 50p 50p 50p 50p 50p 50p 50p 50p 50p 50p. I think i was starting to cry when i heard how much the Goldleaf cigarettes were for. At first they felt a bit weird compered to B&H but after a while they tasted like the best cigs in the world.
who ever smokes and i say this with sadness will know that a pack of cigs are to expensive in the U.K. a pack of B&H in 2001 was about £2.15 in 2008 it's about £2.90.We know that smoking is bad for your health and it is said that making cigs more expensive will make people think twice about smoking. however the tax that is given to the goverment by the tax companies are in the millions and if truly the government wanted to tackle smoking they would have banned the companies from making cigs, but that is another disscusion.
however some people call them throat burners but they 50p . i say it again 50p .
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